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52 Things That I Am

I want to share a blog about who I am. 


1. I love halloween costumes but rarely get one now 


2. The best subsistence: donuts/doughnuts (especially from Portland) 


3. Driving stick shift makes me believe that I’m on Fast & Furious 


4. Multiple Bromances make me content 


5. There’s nothing quite like the Book of James to keep me centered on Christ. 


6. Pretty Things/Looking Pretty/Clothes 


7. Wit is the thing of all things 


8. I fully intend to be the owner of a Chihuahua someday 


9. #PNW (Pacific Northwest) is where my heart will always be 


10. To me, water is the most satisfying drink of choice (especially for Central Oregon) 


11. Kissing my brothers and sisters on the head or cheek is very meaningful to me 


12. #jeanz4dayz 


13. Encouraging others makes me feel encouraged 


14. If you know me at all, you would understand my like for things that crunch #chips


15. A movie theater is the perfect place for an ambivert: you get to be with the people you love and not have to talk to them 


16. One time we had a professional painter put earth tones in my room and I am forever relaxed by them 



17. We Bought A Zoo is my number one favorite movie ever 


18. A backpack is my style of a purse


19. Powell’s. You just have to go there to understand. 


20. Men’s Fashion on Pinterest might be time wasteful but it’s also quite an inspiration 


21. I’m not sure if it’s the Oregonian in me but folk music sure does make me feel feelings 


22. I may not be good at playing sports but it sure beats watching sports 


23. Hot, fresh, laundry makes me make that face down there 

24. I’d much rather have a semi cold house and layer up then a hot house with barely any clothes 


25. Couches are the single most appealing factor to a living room if you ask me


26. Simply: driving a car


27. Playing the piano in worship. #allday 

28. I’ve always wanted to completely learn Spanish & Italiano. It’s very appealing to me! 

29. Writing. It’s a love/hate relationship. 

30. Giving someone a present is very satisfying. To watch someones face light up. It’s a lost art. 

31. Yes I am an introvert. 

32. Have you ever checked your Discover Weekly playlist on Spotify? 

33. H *insert lightning bolt* P 

34. FanFiction is underrated. I believe it’s quite creative to make a previous story as your own. 

35. One of the most motivating things in my Christian walk is overcoming faults. Proverbs 24:16 

36. I hate confrontation. But I admire the outcome of confrontation. 

37. My heart will always go towards missions forever. 

38. Peanut Butter + Oatmeal + M&M’s + Other Stuff = Monster Cookies 

39. White Boards. They just make sense. (yes, I did draw that one) 

40. If you didn’t already tell, I used to have an addiction. It’s name was Pokemon. 

41. I hope to be as creative as architects someday. I just love the look of what man can make out of God’s earthly resources. 

42. The Bible. #WORD

43. Nothing ends the day more satisfying than a jack & coke

44. This is going to be very cliche but the smell of a Christmas Tree 

45. I firmly believe in the healing power of physical touch. 

46. Children. I miss being around children on the missions field more than almost anything else. 

47. Disney Music

48. Goal: learn how to write comedic writing from Tina Fey 

49. Coffee Shops 

50. Healing in Criminal Probation/Parole = B E A U T I F U L 

51. Same as gifts, I want to show others that joy is hidden in every nook and cranny. 

52. It will take more than 1,000 words to describe my passion for Videography. 

Covenant School Of Worship from Hunter Young on Vimeo